Cool Tips About How To Increase Undo Tablespace

Create a new undo tablespace of the same size (larger or smaller) depending on your database requirements.
How to increase undo tablespace. Run the following query to identify the undo tablespace that's. How to size undo tablespace for automatic undo management. August 22, 2017 mark leave a comment.
Select count(status) from dba_undo_extents where status = 'expired'; Count(status) 72 select count(status) from dba_undo_extents where status =. This will set the current undo tablespace as undotbs1 (the new tablespace that we.
To swap the undo tablespace, use the alter system set undo_tablespace as shown below. You can shrink the datafile of the undo tablespace on the primary database to 1g by using the following. (ups) number of undo data blocks generated per second.
Assuming undotbs_01 is the current undo tablespace,. Alter database datafile '' autoextend on maxsize xxg; First, try to decrease the size of the undo tablespace using the alter tablespace command.
The undo tablespace should not be configured using autoextend as it intereferes with the normal operation of the undo mechanism. How to change undo_retention in oracle rac the query shows that you should set the size of the undo tablespace in this database to around 242572.5 mb. If there are regularly occurring undo.
The following statement switches to a new undo tablespace: Which means, we raise and guarantee undo_retention can be reached, no matter what. Sql> alter tablespace myundo add datafile '/u01/oracle/ica/undo02.dbf' size 200m autoextend on next 1m.